Accelerate toward growth with an experienced partner and the right tools

We aspire to cooperate with responsible, growth-oriented and financially sound SMEs in the service and software sectors that we believe can become new success stories in their fields by working with us.

With 40 years of experience in Finnish capital investment, we have been involved in accelerating growth and value creation in numerous service and software companies. We provide companies with proven tools that supplement business expertise and strategic management. We also assist the companies in securing financing and implementing corporate acquisitions. You gain access to the expertise and insight of our network of advisors consisting of top professionals. And on top of all this, we like to think that we are fun to work with!

It is important to us that you maintain independence, but we will support you through thick and thin. We want to help your company grow in a sustainable manner and, at the mutually agreed time of divestment, generate added value to its owners.

Are you ready to kick-start your growth? Get to know our team and contact us!

Success stories


Granon omistuksessa luodaan ​rakentamisen digitalisoitumisen edelläkävijä

"Panostaja on antanut resursseja ja tilaa kehittyä sekä kannustanut niissä asioissa, mitä on tuotu pöytään." - Liiketoimintajohtaja Jouni Silvennoinen


Tuotelähtöisestä lukkoliikeketjusta toimialan innovatiiviseksi edelläkävijäksi

"Turva-alan haastava markkinatilanne aiheutti meidän firmalle kassahaasteita. Omat voimat eivät riittäneet yrityksen kehittämiseen. Panostajan osaamisen avulla loimme yhteistyössä firmasta toimialan parhaan työpaikan, jolla oli myös toimialan paras asiakastyytyväisyys ja potentiaalia kansainvälistyä. Vuonna 2015 yritys myytiin Assa Aboloy Oy:lle, jossa sen hyvä tarina nyt jatkuu."

We create permanent value together

Increasing the value of your company is our shared goal. We also have the expertise to identify your company’s value creation potential and basis for growth. We go through the growth goals and means meticulously. We work together with you to solidify the foundation for growth. Permanent value is generated through long-term commitment and responsible development. Thanks to Panostaja’s operating model, the period of ownership can be determined based on each company.

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We bolster your company’s competitive advantage

Alongside useful insight and business expertise, we offer a systematic operating model, a management platform, to grow your company into a significant player in the field. The core is formed by development programs, comprehensive tools, best practices and references. In cooperation with the management of the companies, we invest in the development of operating models that strengthen competitive advantage.

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We develop persistent capabilities

Growth always requires reinvention, meaning, in other words, the re-evaluation of competences and capabilities. Our skillset includes working together with the management to forge competences into capabilities that boost the competitive edge. We influence the value chain of competence on a variety of levels. Each company’s Board of Directors brings in added value from different perspectives. The modern Advisory Network provides active support in the development of Panostaja companies. Management teams and supervisors spur each other on and share best practices. The aim is to work together to create persistent capabilities for success.

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We build growth-oriented management with you

Solid strategies, too, must be distilled into actual operations through proper management. Since the management of growth is always management of change, we are heavily involved in supporting our investment targets in the management-related development. With the help of various operating models and digital tools, we have been able to achieve concrete and permanent changes with company managements. The development of the annual management index indicates a clear link with profit development. Good management is a competitive advantage.

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We support You as the leader

Growing and reinventing a company is also always a journey of personal change. Panostaja’s community of good leadership promotes personal growth. As part of our community, you will receive coaching through the Advisory Network and can take part in mentoring programs. Mutual sparring among leaders of Panostaja companies can open new perspectives into solidifying growth.

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We invest in these kinds of companies

Finnish companies

50+ %

Majority shareholder status

5-50 M€

The net sales MEUR 5-50


Forecastable positive cash flow

Growth-oriented service and software fields


The opportunity to achieve a significant market position

A good team and competent management