Report on Panostaja Oyj’s Management and Control System
In its operations and the organization of its administration, Panostaja Oyj complies with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code. The Code is available at the website maintained by the Securities Market Association at www.cgfinland.fi.
Management Team

Tapio Tommila, b. 1978
M.Sc. (Econ.)
CEO since 2019
CFO 2015-2018
Deputy Managing Director 2015-2018
Investment Director 2008-2015
Previous work experience: Deloitte Corporate Finance Oy, PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy
Otherpositions of trust: Member of the Supervisory Board of Fennia Mutual Insurance Company

Heikki Korelin, b. 1986
M.Sc. (Econ.)
CFO since 2024

Heikki Tukiainen, b. 1974
M.Sc. (Tech.)
Develoment Director since 2024

Niko Skyttä, b. 1982
M.Sc. Eng.
Investment Director since 2020
Previous work experience: Investment Manager Panostaja Oyj, Controller Fiskars Group

Jukka Ala-Mello, b. 1963
M.Sc. (Econ.) and Authorized Public Accountant, CEO of Security Trading Oy and Holding Manutas Oy
Previous work experience:
Director and Secretary to the Board of Directors of Kone Oyj 2006–2022, shareholder in PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy 1995–2006, Finnish Institute of Authorized Public Accountants approved auditor 1993–2006 and auditor 1987–1990, and Financial Manager at Panostaja Oyj 1990–1993
Other positions of trust:
Board member at Security Trading Oy and Holding Manutas Oy, and Chairman of the Board at Johtopanostus Oy and OWH-Yhtiöt Oy.
Independent of the company and of major shareholders.

Eero Eriksson, b. 1963
Master of Social Sciences, Senior Advisor
Previous work experience:
Senior Advisor of S-Pankki Oyj 2021-2023, CEO of Fennia Asset Management 2017–2021, CIO of Fennia Group 2002–2020, Senior Vice President of Fennia 2003–2017, Investment Director of Eläke-Fennia 1998−2001, Investment Director of Merita Henkivakuutus Oy, Bank Manager of Suomen Yhdyspankki
Other positions of trust:
Chairman of the Board of S-Pankkikiinteistöt Oy, member of the Board of S-Pankki Rahastoyhtiö Oy, member of the Board of Employment Committee and Investment Committee of the Diabetes Research Foundation, member of the Board and Investment Committee of Oulun Diakonissalaitoksen säätiö foundation, Chairman of the Board of the Kyllikki and Uolevi Lehikoinen Foundation, and Chairman of the Investment Committee of the Finnish Standards Association SFS.
Independent of the company and of major shareholders.

Mikko Koskenkorva, b. 1982
Bachelor of Computer Science, CEO of Treindex Oy
Previous work experience: IT Manager of Jyki Group Oy 2018–2023, IT Project Manager of Pajakulma Oy 2008–2018
Other positions of trust:
Board member of Johtopanostus Oy, Board member of Treindex Oy, Board member and CEO of Oy Koskenkorva Ab.
Independent of the company.

Tarja Pääkkönen, b.
D.Sc. (Tech.) (business strategies), M.Sc. (Tech.) (building technology) and Partner at Boardman Oy
Previous work experience:
IHead of Sales and Marketing unit and Management Group member of Itella Oyj group 2005−2010, Nokia Mobile Phones Management Group member of Nokia Oyj and several global Senior Vice President level positions in Europe, USA and Asia 1994−2004
Other positions of trust:
Board and Remuneration Committee member of SATO Oyj, Board and Remuneration Committee member of United Bankers Oyj, Board member of GRK Infra Oy, Board and HR Committee member of YLVA, Board member of software company Cardu Global Oy and Chairman of Andiata Oy’s Advisor Board.
Independent of the company and of major shareholders

Tommi Juusela, b. 1973
Bachelor of Laws, LL.M. (Columbia University), independent advisor
Previous work experience:
Neste Oyj, Vice President, member of the management team of the Sales and Business unit 2016–2018, Director, Sales 2014–2016; Nokia Oyj, several managerial positions in sales, marketing and strategy 2006–2014, Shearman & Sterling LLP, Associate, 2002–2004 (London), International Associate 1999–2000 (New York)
Other positions of trust:
Chairman of the John Nurminen Foundation, Chaiman of the Board of Baltic Sea Services Oy, Board member of Algol Technics Oy, Board member of Elpac Oy
Independent of the company and its major shareholders.
Annual General Meeting
Panostaja Oyj’s highest decision-making body is the Annual General Meeting. Every year, the Annual General Meeting confirms the Company’s financial statement, decides on the dividends to be paid and on the granting of discharge from liability of the Board members and the CEO, and on the election of the Board members and auditors and the fees to be paid to them. The Annual General Meeting is convened by the Board of Directors.
Reward Policy determines the principles for rewarding Panostaja Oyj’s Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as “Board”) and CEO (hereinafter referred to as “CEO”). Where necessary, the principles applicable to the CEO will also be applied to the Executive Vice President.
Remuneration Report 2023 has been created in accordance with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code.
Inner Circle
When looking back the history of Panostaja insider register note that Panostaja A share and Panostaja B share were combined into current Panostaja share on 14.11.2008.
Inner Circle →Audit
The auditors elected by the AGM are responsible for the statutory auditing of the companies belonging to the Panostaja Group. In 2023, Authorised Public Accountants Deloitte Oy operated as auditor in the parent company and the Group, with Hannu Mattila acting as the leading auditor.
Audit →